If you’re interested in increasing the size of your penis, our editorial team has put together this extensive review of the ProExtender enlargement device.
The route to a bigger penis might seem difficult, but with a high-quality penis extender you can achieve this naturally without too much trouble.
As long as you’re willing to put in the time and commitment necessary.
And the studies we’re going to discuss below prove this, as well as our own personal experience using the extender.
If you’ve done a bit of research already, you probably realize that the market is flooded with tons of “proven” penis enlargement products.
Spoiler alert: not all of these devices actually work and some do more harm than good.
So do yourself a favor and put your focus on extending because this enlargement method has been proven to work by science.
What is a ProExtender?

ProExtender is a penis enlargement device that works using traction. It’s not a scam, it actually works, which has been demonstrated in numerous medical studies.
The ProExtender device was developed by Dr. Jorn E. Siana of Denmark over 20 years ago.
Straight away, that’s a huge advantage over other penis enlargement devices – this thing was actually created by a professional physician.
Dr. Siana designed the ProExtender as a sound medical device for his own patients.
He wanted to make sure it worked, was comfortable to wear, and provided safe penis enlargement.
It’s safe to say he succeeded.
ProExtender has actually been approved by the FDA.
That’s another massive advantage over the competition – most penis enlargement devices have no FDA approval at all.
As a result of this medical clearance, the ProExtender system has been prescribed by doctors around the world for decades as a treatment for medical conditions like Peyronie’s Disease.
Today, men are using the ProExtender system in more than 20 countries worldwide. It’s been featured in major publications like Men’s Health and the New York Times, and it’s affordable.
Visit ProExtender Official Website.
ProExtender Benefits
- Increases penis length & girth
- Straightens penile curvature
- Unmatched comfort while wearing
- Safe to use, no pain or side effects
- 100% natural penis enlargement
- Results after just 2 weeks of use
- Penis size increase is permanent
- FDA approved medical device
- Improves erection quality & stamina
- Increased enjoyment during sex
- Stronger, more intense orgasms
The ProExtender is a comfortable and safe way to increase penis size naturally.
These really are the two main benefits of this enlargement device: it’s comfortable, and it works.
The makers of the device know they have a great product, and they stand behind it.
They have actually performed a 6 month clinical study on the effectiveness of the product just to prove that it delivers on it’s promises
The study took a group of men aged 23-47 and gave them each a ProExtender device.
The study lasted 6 months and participants were told to use the device for 12 hours per day.
The results from that study are striking.
Participants started to see results within just 2 weeks of using the extender. Ultimately, these men saw up to 29% gains in penis size by the end of the study.
ProExtender Side Effects
The ProExtender system has zero side effects. You read that right, there are absolutely no side effects when using the device.
How do we know that for sure?
Because it was proven in the clinical study we just discussed. Results also showed that none of the men who used extender during the study experienced any negative side effects or complications.
That’s worth repeating – in clinical testing of heavy, daily use of ProExtender for 6 months, no one who used it experienced anything negative related to the device.
The bottom line: The ProExtender is scientifically proven to be effective and safe as a penis enlargement device.
How the ProExtender Works

The ProExtender system works using a method called traction. Traction is an extremely safe and completely non-surgical way to increase your penis size.
When you put on the device, it applies a very light stretch to your penis – that’s the traction at work.
The key here is that the stretch is very gentle, just enough to feel a soft tug. This is very important to remember, because stretching your penis with too much force toughens it, which will hinder your gains.
Hard stretching also makes it difficult to put the extender on and to keep it on.
But the gentle traction method is proven to work, so always go easy and avoid the temptation to go hard.
When you put on the ProExtender device, that light stretch you feel will actually cause a natural process to begin inside your body.
That process is known as mitosis, the duplication of cells.
This method has actually been used for centuries by tribal peoples around the world.
They’ve used it to stretch out ears, noses, and yes – penises too. There’s a reason it’s been around for so long and it’s still used in modern medicine.
By wearing the ProExtender device consistently, the cells in your penis will begin to duplicate. Over time, this method will increase both the erect length and girth of your penis.
ProExtender Price
Price is an important purchasing decision when looking into any penis enlargement system. If you’re going to shell out cash for something, you want to get the most value for your money.
The ProExtender system packs a ton of value for money.
Some might think it’s expensive, but that’s only if you compare it to all the useless stuff out there that has no track record of proven results.
ProExtender is only available directly from the manufacturer. You can visit their official website to get one for yourself.
The biggest benefit of buying direct from these guys is that every product is backed up by a 100% satisfaction guarantee and a 6-month return policy.
There are currently 3 ProExtender packages available so you can choose the best product for your enlargement goals.
ProExtender Basic Package

The tried-and-true workhorse, the ProExtender Basic Package comes with the extender device, straps, rods and everything you need to extend comfortably.
If you’re on a budget, this kit has all the goods you need to get started.
It’s on sale right now for $149, a $50 savings off the list price.
ProExtender Deluxe Package

The ProExtender Deluxe Package comes with the extender device and a few extras to help you on your journey to penis growth.
With this package, you’ll also get a 1-month supply of Semenax and Erectin, two powerful supplements that will give you a massive boost in sexual performance.
Erectin helps increase your erection strength by improving circulation and blood flow.
Semenax includes 18 different natural semen volumizers, proven to boost your semen volume by up to 20%.
You can get all of this on sale right now for $229.
ProExtender Ultimate Package

They don’t call this the Ultimate Package for nothing!
With this ProExtender package, you’ll get the extender device and a 1-month supply of Erectin and Semenax plus a bunch of awesome extras.
You’ll get a lifetime membership to the ProExtender online training platform, packed with all the male enhancement tools you’ll need to increase your penis size as quickly and effectively as possible.
You’ll also get 3 months of personal coaching with AJ “Big Al” Alfaro, the world’s foremost penis enlargement coach.
This highly experienced coach will guide you on your way to a larger penis. He’ll answer questions, offer advice and help you grow as quickly as possible.
You can access his ProExtender routine and 4 other bonus courses with this package. You’ll also be able to email AJ directly with any questions along the way.
This way, you can maximize your results and achieve a longer penis as quickly as possible. This one is definitely the best value, on sale today for $497 – that’s over $200 off the list price.
Visit ProExtender Official Website.
How to Use the ProExtender System
There are only 2 steps to using the ProExtender system. If it sounds complicated so far, don’t worry – it’s very simple to use.
Every device ships with an instructional DVD and written guide explaining exactly how to use the system.
The first step is to put on the device. The DVD and guidebook will show you exactly how to fasten the straps on the device so it fits comfortably and securely.
Once you are strapped in, the second step is to adjust the device to set just the right amount of tension on your penis.
Remember, you want a very light stretch!
Every ProExtender device includes a “quick guide” which will tell you how much tension is recommended for your specific situation.
This guide was built using clinical data from proven ProExtender studies.
Once you use the device a few times, doing this will become second nature to you. It will take under a minute to setup once you’re comfortable using the device.
From there, the key is consistency.
To get results, you need to use the system regularly. This is where the Ultimate Package really helps, because it includes all the scheduling and time tracking tools you need to stay disciplined.
After several weeks, you should start to see results from using ProExtender, especially in the size and feel of your flaccid hang.
Things will only continue to improve as you continue using the device, which erect gains coming on next.
Ultimately, you could see up to a 29% increase in length and a 19% increase in girth in 6 months if you use the ProExtender as directed.
And if you continue to wear the device after the six months is up, you will continue to grow in length and girth.
ProExtender Studies
Unlike most of the other penis enlargement devices out there, ProExtender actually has real science to back it up.
Remember that study from earlier? It was called Tractive Elongation of the Penis by Means of Stretching.
It was done by the inventor of ProExtender, Dr. Jorn E. Siana. Dr. Siana is an MD at the Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic Surgery in Copenhagen, Denmark.
In that study, Dr. Siana studied the effects of the device on 18 healthy male subjects aged 23-47 years old.
Each subject had normal erectile capacity and no penile surgery at the time of the study.
During the study, each subject wore ProExtender for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a total of 24 weeks.
Results were measured every 2 weeks. During the first 2 weeks of the study, the tension force applied by ProExtender was 900-1000g. This was increased to 1000-1200g for weeks 3 through 24.
Results showed that the average penis length increase during the study was about 2.8cm (1.1in) while erect, corresponding to a 1.9cm (0.75in) increase while flaccid. The average length increase per week was 1.9mm.
Every subject saw real, permanent penis size gains during the 6 month study period. No subjects had any adverse reactions or side effects from using ProExtender.
ProExtender Results: Before and After
The ProExtender has been used by more than 500,000 men around the world.
The device has been prescribed by doctors for over 20 years. That means that today, there are a ton of testimonials out there from real guys who have seen success using the ProExtender device.
You can see before and after pic’s here.
Below are a few real written reviews of ProExtender users:
“…I started seeing results quickly using ProExtender. About six weeks in, there was definitely an all-around enlargement, by 8 weeks, 1.5 cm in length and about .5 around. It’s now been a little over three months and I am on my way to 2.5 cm. That’s a full inch!”
– John H.
“…when I saw that ad for ProExtender, I was a little skeptical, but the more I read, the more it made sense…The truth is, the ProExtender works. In ten months I’ve added almost an inch in length and half an inch in girth, my erections are hard as a rock and I have increased sexual energy.”
– Kelly C.
“I have been using the ProExtender regularly for several months now and I’m already noticing results. My penis has noticeably grown in length and that’s not the only thing that’s grown. My self-confidence is through the roof, as is my sex drive! I don’t know if it’s psychological or physical but I want sex more and can perform way more than I used to.”
– Tony E.
“I’ll admit I had some concerns before purchasing the ProExtender; namely cost and comfort…Factoring in the additional cost involved in enhancement surgery and more importantly, the possibility of complications, made my decision clear and I ordered the ProExtender realizing that to settle the discomfort issue I would have to try it – after all, there is a money back guarantee. As it turns out, the ProExtender is light, very well constructed and after the initial unfamiliar feel goes away, in my case about 4 days, I hardly noticed it. I’ve been wearing the ProExtender about 5-6 hours a day, 6 days a week…and I’ve had amazing results. My confidence, sex drive, and stamina are all vastly increased, just like the size of my penis – almost an inch in around 6 months.”
– Mark A.
Visit ProExtender Official Website.
ProExtender FAQ
It’s natural to have questions about ProExtender and the way the system works.
Thankfully, with so many guys using ProExtender for the last 20 years, most of those questions have already been answered.
Wondering if the ProExtender system can really make your penis bigger?
The answer is a resounding yes.
Clinical results have shown that the ProExtender system really works. If you try it and you’re not convinced, there’s a 100% satisfaction guarantee and 6 month return policy – so there’s really no risk.
Is the ProExtender better that surgery?
Yes, it absolutely is. Penile enlargement surgery can cost up to $15,000 or more.
It can have awful side effects including infections, scarring, nerve damage, and difficulty getting an erection after the procedure.
You also can’t have sex for months afterwards.
ProExtender solves all these problems – it’s affordable, there are no side effects at all, and you can have sex right after using it.
How big can you get with the ProExtender?
It varies for every man, but with consistent use you should be able to increase your length by up to 29% and your girth by up to 19% in 6 months or less.
There’s also no real limit to how big you can get with ProExtender, so continued use after 6 months will give you even better results.
As a matter of fact many men have grown well in excess of one inch, with some experiencing up to 2 inches in increased length.
Is there science the behind ProExtender?
Yes, there was a clinical study done in Denmark by the device’s inventor, Dr. Jorn E. Siana. In this study, every man saw noticeable results and absolutely no adverse side effects.
Several other studies have been also done using extenders and all have had positive outcomes.
The bottom line is, if you use the extender as directed and put in the time, you will grow,
How often should you use the Device?
It really depends on your goals. You can use it for just a few hours a day, 4-5 days per week.
However, for maxima results, more use is better. In the clinical study, participants used the device 12 hours per day, 7 days per week, for 6 months.
In my case, I averaged 4 hours per day during the first 6 months, then backed down to 2 hours per day after that and I have continued to grow in both length and girth.
How long does it take to see results?
In the clinical study done on the device, all the participants started to see results after several weeks of use.
As mentioned earlier, flaccid gains come first, which are always followed by erect gains, as long you stay consistent.
What if you get an erection while using the Device?
That’s no problem either. If it happens, don’t sweat it – the device will simply slip off as your penis gets hard.
Once you lose the erection, simply strap in again.
How does the ProExtender work?
It places your penis in traction, meaning it applies a very light stretch to your member. In medical terms, this is defined as traction force.
Over consistent use, this will cause the cells in your penis to duplicate via a biological process known as mitosis.
That’s how you’ll get a bigger penis using ProExtender – one cell becomes two, two cells become four, and four become eight, etc.
This method is totally painless and FDA approved as a penis enlargement technique. These gains are also completely permanent even if you stop using ProExtender, as long as your gains have been cemented.
Is ProExtender better than a penis pump?
Due to the proven efficacy of these products the answer to this question is Yes. In fact it’s light years better.
Penis pumps only provide temporary enlargement and there’s a high risk of injury. The gains you get from ProExtender are permanent and there’s no risk of injury at all.
What about uncircumcised men?
Not a problem. ProExtender works the same way for both circumcised and uncircumcised men. Both will be able to achieve excellent results with ProExtender.
Is it complicated to use?
Not at all. It might seem strange or complex at first, but every ProExtender device comes with detailed instructions that explain exactly how to properly use the device.
Once you do it a few times, you’ll be able to get it setup in under a minute.
The exception to this rule is when men try to apply too much force, which makers the extender difficult to put on.
If you keep in mind that a gentle stretch is much more effective than a hard stretch, and you’ll have no problems strapping in.
Is my penis too small to use ProExtender?
It’s highly unlikely. The ProExtender device can accommodate flaccid penis sizes (stretched) from 2 inches up to 9 inches.
What about going to the bathroom?
It’s important to take the device off occasionally in order to increase circulation and avoid overtraining.
I personally remove the device every 30-60 minutes and urinate during these brief breaks which works well for me.
Will the ProExtender cause erectile dysfunction?
Absolutely not. In fact, the device will actually help you achieve stronger, longer-lasting, better erections.
As a matter of fact, improved erection quality is one of the main advantages of extending.
And you can use you the quality of your erections to gauge the effectiveness of your extending sessions.
If you EQ goes down, you’ll know you’re extending too hard or too long, in which case you can ease back on your sessions.
Do penis extenders work for curved penises?
Yes it does. In fact, the device was originally prescribed solely as a medical device for treating conditions like this, including Peyronie’s Disease.
What about the shipping?
Is it discrete? Yes, it’s completely discrete. No one except you will know what’s in the box.
The ProExtender medical grade traction device will arrive in a plain brown box from Leading Edge Health – that’s all.
ProExtender – The Final Verdict
So with all that said, what’s the conclusion on the ProExtender system?
Frankly, it’s one of the best, if not the best penis extender out there today and it’s the device I use myself.
Unlike most other penis enlargement devices, ProExtender is FDA approved as a medical device and scientifically proven to work.
Clinical studies have been done to confirm it, and no adverse side effects were ever found.
It’s also been prescribed by doctors as a treatment for conditions like Peyronie’s Disease for over 20 years.
And most importantly, the ProExtender is extremely comfortable to wear for long periods.
In the clinical study, the participants wore it for 12 hours a day for 6 months straight with no pain or discomfort.
The reviews also back this up!
ProExtender will give you real penis size gains that are permanent, without drug administration and useless pills or potions.
You’ll start to see results in just a few weeks.
If you’re not totally sold on the device after you use it, there’s a 100% satisfaction guarantee and 6-month return policy – so there’s really no risk.
ProExtender is also affordable compared to the competition.
Unlike similar products, ProExtender has science behind it and a track record in the medical community of success.
When you buy ProExtender, you’re not just buying some cheaply made junk, you’re buying a proven medical device that really works.
So, the final verdict is: ProExtender is our choice for the best penis extender.