When it comes to enlarging a smaller penis, you might be surprised at the array of options available.

  • You have your pills, your supplements, your creams and ointments (not all of which work, and none of which have much science to support them).
  • You have your surgeries and implants (which usually work, but come with all the risk and expense of major surgery).
  • You have your exercises like jelqing and edging (which sometimes work, and are cheap and easy).

But by far the most effective and proven ways to start packing a larger penis is to use some of the specialized equipment that’s been designed for that purpose over the last few decades. Two of the most commonly acknowledged pieces of equipment available are penis extenders and penis pumps.

Let’s look at the two side by side and see what’s what.

Water Pumps vs Penis Extenders – The Basics

Both water pumps and penis extenders can enlarge your penis by stretching the tissues in your member. It’s how they do it that makes the difference.

Water Pumps go around your penis, then use the combination of water pressure and vacuum pressure to draw blood into your penis and expand the tissues. You use it for short sessions of just a few minutes at at time.

Water pumps work in a similar way to regular penis pumps, but instead of air they fill with water to create a vacuum. When you place the pump over your penis and water flows in, this pushes air out and creates a vacuum. This vacuum will force blood into your penis and help to enlarge its tissues.

Compared to traditional penis pumps, water pumps are safer because they protect against injuries which could be caused by air vacuums. Water pumps also allow for greater control over vacuum pressure.

Water pumps are simple to use but can get messy. It’s a good idea to use them in the shower or bath so you don’t make a mess. First, fill the pump with water, then insert your penis and seal the pump. Once the pump is sealed, you can begin building vacuum pressure.

  • Pros: works instantly, great for girth, easy to use, short and quick sessions, also helps with erectile dysfunction, comfortable
  • Cons: long-term gains are more difficult; no clinical backing proves it works

Penis Extenders are devices you strap your unit into to create a stretch using traction and pulling. You leave your penis in it passively for sessions that last several hours.

Penis extender devices also seek to enlarge the penis by affecting the tissues of the penis, but they do it a bit differently. When you strap in, the extender stretches your penis just enough to lightly tear some of the tissues in your member. As the tissues heal, they come back larger.

To use a penis extender, you simply strap your flaccid penis into the device. You need to keep your penis stretched in the device for long periods at a time for it to work.

Penis extenders are less messy than water pumps, but they still require privacy to use and can’t really be worn outside the house.

  • Pros: less active attention needed during use, proven to work in multiple trials (source)
  • Cons: weak girth gains,  slower immediate gains, longer sessions

As you see, there are general pros and cons for both and it’s mostly a matter of what you want and how you want to get it. Let’s go deeper into some of the details on each device so you can make the best possible decision.

Water Pumps vs Penis Extenders – Point by Point Comparison

None of these particular points is a deal-breaker or deal-maker on its own, but some might be less or more important to you and help you make a decision.

Cost: Water pumps run from $50 to $200, but quality will vary. For a good quality water pump, you should look around the $185 range. A decent penis extender costs $200 to $275 but you can spend much more if you want. Winner: water pumps.

Gains: Long-term penis extender use has been proven to add an average of an inch to the length of a man’s penis. There’s less evidence surrounding water pump use, but the existing data suggests water pumps can add about half an inch to the length of your member. Winner: penis extenders.

Speed: That half inch you typically gain from a water pump happens just a few minutes after a session. A penis extender usually takes months before you see any gains. Winner: water pumps.

Permanence: Gains from a penis extender often last for years and can be permanent. Most users report a water pump requires additional exercises like jelqing to cement permanent gains. Winner: penis extenders.

Time to Use: A session with a water pump only takes a few minutes, and you can even use it in the bath. Using a penis extender is much more intensive. You need hours of use on a daily basis to get the gains you want. Winner: water pumps.

Ease of Use: Neither device is super simple to use, but water pumps have less of a learning curve. Once you’ve figured them out, you’re golden. A penis extender has lots of fiddly bits and needs adjusting as your penis changes in size. A penis extender is a bit more complicated than a water pump. Winner: water pumps.

Active vs. Passive: A penis extender requires no effort once you have it in place. You can use it while watching TV or reading. Water pumps require you to focus on them for the length of the entire session. Winner: penis extenders.

Comfort: Lots of users report that penis extenders aren’t very comfortable at first. It can take a week or two to get used to using an extender. Water pumps are typically comfortable to use right from the start. Winner: water pumps.

Water Pumps vs Penis Extenders – Which is Safest?

Both types of devices are very safe unless you ignore the manufacturer’s warnings and instructions.

Using a penis extender incorrectly has the potential to cause damage. However, this is unlikely to happen unless you attempt to sleep with it on. Sleeping with an extender device is definitely not recommended.

Using a water pump wrong is easier and can cause injury in just one overzealous session. This includes bruising, blood vessels damage, temporary erectile dysfunction, or in the worst case your testicles can even get sucked into the pump (ouch).

In terms of risk, this is a matter of which type you prefer to take. Would you rather have a very low chance of serious damage, or slightly higher risk injury?

Water Pumps vs Penis Extenders – Conclusion:

If you counted up the point-by-point tally you’ll notice water pumps are slightly in the lead if you count each point as the same value as other points.

However, things even out quickly if you consider how much you gain from each method and the amount of scientific evidence supporting each.

Mostly, it’s a matter of personal taste. If a penis extender appeals to you more than a penis pump, use an extender. If a pump is more in line with your lifestyle or preferences, pump away.  

I prefer penis extenders because they’re more reliable and have more scientific research backing their claims. In the end, the one you’re going to use will be the most effective for you.

One last thought on this: both devices take time and consistent use to work. You won’t see gains in a few weeks.

You have to commit.

Without serious commitment and consistent use, water pump vs. penis extender doesn’t matter.

Read About the Extender We Use and Recommend Here

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